Wednesday, September 24, 2014

911 Memorial Museum, New York City

Just before I left for Washington D.C., I visited 911 Memorial Museum in Financial District for first time. I went this place on Wednesday, June 4, 2014. I supposed to go there on June 3rd, but the ticket was sold out. This museum seemed brand new, and lots of people were commemorating as they see the museum. Even though I am not America, I truly found the power of Americans in this museum as I see people mourn and try not to forget the tragedy. Now, people in America built the country a lot stronger, and they will progress forward.

I thought the size of museum will be somehow small, but eventually it turned out that I spent almost 3 hours, and still did not see everything in the museum. (I tried to see the exhibition carefully and slowly.) I had to catch up train from Penn Station to Washington Union Station, so I had to leave around noon.

If you get a chance to visit New York City, you must visit this place.
I will not add too much comments on the picture since I am sure you can feel what the pictures say to you.

I went to the museum on June 3rd night, and the ticket was sold out! You should def visit the museum as early as possible. This is the picture of Freedom Tower at Lower Manhattan.

The Freedom Tower

It was raining on June 3rd, and rain drops on the monument seemed very sad.

The original place where one of the Twin Towers was located

Names of 911 victims are on the monument around the water

Never forgets...

I went back to the Times Square on June 3rd night

After heavy rain on June 3rd, next morning was full of sunshine

I got into the museum without so much line. It is the original building buttress

pictures of the Twin Towers

Brief descriptions on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Since the day I went to this museum, I didn't know two of the highjacked planes left from Boston Logan Airport

concrete wall

After the Twin Tower was built, the Twin Towers (World Trade Center) changed New York City's skylines forever

That above pretty skyline became a massive chaos in the morning of September 11, 2001

Missing posters on the day of tragedy

one of the original staircases of the tower

"No Day Shall Erase You From the Memory of Time" - Virgil

some facts about the World Trade Center

antenna of the top of World Trade Center

One of the first fire cars that arrived in the World Trade Center

It was a heartbreak to hear about news, archives, pictures, and others in the museum. 

In New York

Final look at the Empire States before I left for Washington D.C.

Rest In Peace all the victims of the September 11, 2001

Thursday, September 18, 2014

More New York! (The Frick Collection, La Durée, the Central Park) + a few pictures for New Jersey!

More informations/pictures about New York City+ some areas in New Jersey.

On my way to New Jersey from Hyatt Union Square

Huge Cruise is on the shore!


Overlooking New Jersey from Manhattan 

Crossing the bridge (guessing the George Washington)

New Jersey! BBQ Party!

One thing I like about NJ is that so close to the city, but NJ has very good countryside like feelings

The cheese I tried from good!

 Heading back to New York

The Frick Collection has variety of antiques furnitures, books, and decorations. If you are interested in antiques, it is probably the number one must-go place in New York City. You can get off at 68th street station near Central Park, and just about 10 minutes walking from the station to the Museum. 

Only this fountain area is allowed for taking pictures. 

How pretty!

Just the corner of The Frick Collection, there is LaDurée, the French Macaroon store! If you go the place in Champs-Élysées, there are always giant line, but this one nope!!! must try!

the location is below:

Just the corner of the Frick Collection, near the Central Park and 68th Street Station, Hunter College


sosososos0 good!!!!!

I started to walk toward the 5th avenue from the Frick Collection passing the Central Park. It was around 20 minutes walking. could be less or could be more!

such a nice day

my most favorite view from the Central Park to the city. that tallest building in the picture is the building where Park Hyatt New York is located in. It is now open! The rate starts from $800...!! jeeze!!!!!

very nice day indeed

I will post one more post for New York City!
Hope You enjoyed!